From Tony at Vindomora Solutions:

On Thursday 14th November I’m running a cemetery recording project at St. Oswald’s playground in Durham City.  The playground was originally a 19th century cemetery for St. Oswald’s Church, but when the council converted it into a kids’ playground, they simply moved the gravestones (leaving the bodies in place) and placed the stones along the boundary walls of the site.

I’ve been asked by Durham County Council to record the stones – i.e., transcribe who and what age, year etc of each, coupled with photography, to create a record of who was in the graveyard that will be accessible online through the Archaeology Data Service.  One of the project stipulations is that the work is primarily undertaken through community involvement.  I’ve got students from Durham University attending, but I’d like to extend the offer to DBN members should any wish to be involved. Ideally, I’d be looking at up to half a dozen, though even two or three would be grand.

Would you or any of your membership be interested?

If you are interested, get in touch with us and we will pass your details over to Tony - derwentsidebn@gmail.com


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