Thanks to funding from Derwent Valley AAP, we are offering free suicide awareness workshops in December, March and April to local businesses, organisations and groups.
Our workshop covers the following:
Introduction to suicide prevention - why is it necessary?
The impact of a death by suicide including common emotions, and practical implications
How best to support someone bereaved by suicide
How to intervene if you believe someone is at risk of suicide
The importance of your own wellbeing when supporting other
We have 15 spaces for this course. If you are interested, please get in touch: Becky Summers, Training & Operations Administrator (, If U Care Share Foundation, 27 The Close East, South Pelaw, Chester-le-Street, County Durham, DH2 2EY, Phone: 0191 387 5661 (option 3), Registered Charity: 1142001.
For further information, please visit our website.