County Durham Inclusive Economic Strategy - Have your say!

Durham County Council is building an economic strategy that will shape the County’s economic growth over the next 10 years.

Businesses, large and small, in all sectors and across the County are being invited to take part in a conversation which will inform the strategy and give you a say on what is important to your business.
Your views, experiences, knowledge, and ambitions will help us create the kind of economy we need for our County.

The Big Econ-versation provides you with a voice to share your business challenges and provide your ideas which could help build opportunities for us now and for future generations of business leaders, entrepreneurs and residents.

You have the opportunity to contribute in two ways:

  • The council has created an online survey which will take only a few minutes to complete
  • You can also attend a business consultation event which will take place on Tuesday 29th of March – details to be announced

To access the survey and find out more, follow this link: https://bit.ly/3HyNBfl


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