After nearly 9 years it’s a wrap. I know! It definitely feels like end of an era.
I launched Visual Punch back in 2013 not long after getting a first-class degree in Film and TV production. I quickly discovered that it was extremely difficult to get a role within the sector - it was the old adage of companies wanting experienced people for entry-level roles but there was no way of getting it. However, I didn’t want that to stop me from doing what I wanted to do so I decided to do it on my own for a few years; it just so turned out I was very good at what I do and what was a meant to be a few years turned into nearly 9 years later.
I've been extremely lucky to have worked with some of the best businesses the North East has to offer. Forge friendships with some amazing companies. However sometimes you hear a vision, buy into a dream and sometimes you have to throw caution to the wind and jump with two feet.
I’m beyond excited to have joined the team at Enterprise Made Simple.
Obviously, it would be remiss of me also not to mention that whilst that might be the end of the road for me and Visual Punch, it doesn’t mean it’s the end of the road for Visual Punch. If you are interested in acquiring Visual Punch or if you’re thinking of starting your own video production company then Visual Punch could be the perfect business for you. If you’re interested send Luke Rogers a quick message.
Best of luck James from all your friends at DBN!