Christmas and the New Year are truly over but our Durham Heritage Range Giftboxes also make excellent birthday presents or thank you gifts!

You can buy our coffees online or pop into our café @kaffeehaus_amadeus on weekends between 10am - 4pm.  Please note: our Giftboxes aren't available for immediate purchase at the café as we pack them fresh to order and this takes some time.

We are pleased to introduce you to our brand new Limited Edition Charity Coffee - a concept that gives back to our local community and underpins what we stand for: sustainable relationships with coffee farmers, supporting speciality coffee and good agricultural and social practice.  This new coffee, which we will offer as a limited edition, is a certified organic Tribal Coffee from Papua New Guinea.

With this background in mind, we have decided to take on board the smallholders’ principals, which are to improve social practice and give back to our community.  For every bag of this Limited Edition Charity Coffee that you buy, we will donate 20% to the Durham Food Bank, connecting the Jimi River coffee network in Papua New Guinea with us here in Durham in a way that matters.  To buy, please click here.

Thank you for all your support, Bernhard and Carina at Durham Coffee


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