We would love to share about our new campaign for this year…. 2021 a year of adventure!

Usually at this time of year we encourage you to give something up to raise funds for Willow Burn.  Not this year.  We reckon you've given up enough already in 2020. So instead, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make 2021 a memorable one.  What better way to wave goodbye to 2020, than to plan a fun adventure for the New Year.

After nearly a year of staying at home and sitting in our PJs, let's look to the future with hope in our hearts and shake things up a bit.  Climb that peak you've always wanted to tackle. Feel the sand between your toes as you take a dip in the sea.  Cycle to work once a week.  Run 21 miles a month for 12 months.  Walk 21,000 steps a day for a month.  Bake and sell 21 cupcakes.  Go camping in 21 new locations.  Put on your dancing shoes.  Sing at an open mic night.

The options are endless and the choice is yours - all we ask is that you have fun (they don't call it fundraising for nothing) and that you share your journey with your family, friends and colleagues to raise awareness and funds for Willow Burn.

This is a year long campaign, so enjoy planning your adventure and include us in your journey.  Each month we will feature stories of your adventures and celebrate your achievements with the Derwentside community.

What are you waiting for?  Dream up your adventure and register this New Year - just click here!

If you have an idea but need help signing up, just drop us an email and we can help as well as offering you lots of support for your adventure: rtodd@willowburnhospice.org.uk.

Rachel Todd, Willow Burn Hospice


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