The Kickstart Scheme was announced in July as part of the Chancellor’s Plan for Jobs.  The scheme aims to create thousands of high-quality six-month work placements for young people aged 16 to 24 who are claiming Universal Credit and are at risk of long term unemployment.

Under the scheme, the Government will cover 100 per cent of employment costs for 25 hours a week.  This includes the employee's salary at the appropriate minimum wage for their age, as well as National Insurance and pension contributions.

FSB has worked with government to develop the new Kickstart Scheme, and help small employers to be part of the solution, even if they are only able to offer one or two roles.

We're teaming up with Adecco Working Ventures to become an official intermediary for the Government’s £2bn Kickstart Scheme which will play a key role in rebuilding the UK's economy and supporting young people into sustainable employment.

Applying is simple and you'll have full support through each stage of the process.  Visit this link to find out what happens at each stage and to apply.

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