The other day during breakfast.
Ichi: “It was fun yesterday, wasn’t it?”
Me: “Oh yeah, your friend came to play.”
Ichi: “That was fun too, but what I enjoyed the most was watching telly with my family.”
Watching TV after dinner as a family - I never realised such a trivial thing was a big deal for my son. It was an everyday thing, yet we hadn’t done that as a family for a long time.
Both me and Steve work from home. That doesn’t mean we spend a lot of time with our children. Actually, we don’t have much family time because we don’t follow the 9-6 office hours.
But when I heard what Ichi said, I decided to spend more time with my family. We don’t have to do anything special, just consciously create the time to be together.
Noriko, Noriko Art