UTC South Durham
Closing Date: 27 July 2020
Salary Based on NJC Local Government new pay scale Pt 17-21 £23,836-£25,801
37 hours per week
The Marketing, PR and Student Recruitment Officer is responsible for supporting the delivery of the UTC’s strategic student recruitment and marketing plan. It is a role that requires a clear understanding of the UTC’s ethos and values which includes our Student Leaver Profile. The Student Leaver Profile encompasses three elements which include knowledge, experience and core skills and all UTC staff are expected to contribute in developing these with our students. The successful candidate will have a real understanding of these values and actively recruit students into the opportunity of being a UTC student.
This role involves: communicating what the UTC can offer through external school assemblies, careers events and any community events, leading on the delivery of internal open evenings, arranging events, updating the website and social media pages, seeking out and writing up news worthy content, coordinating printed marketing materials, supporting specific campaigns and providing administrative support. All of the above is aligned with the Student Leaver Profile.
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