Dr Jane Anderson contacted us the other day about an article she posted on her blog about working from home and it really struck a chord. Many of us are used to working from home but the current situation is different somehow and even with more time available to catch up on all those outstanding tasks, many of us aren't feeling as productive as we think we should be…

Quite a few DBN members have been in touch about working from home. While it might seem to be an ideal time to do lots of work, some are finding the isolation difficult and others are struggling with bored children and demanding pets... It can be challenging!

Dr Jane Anderson has posted another blog about her personal experiences of working on her own which we'd like to share with you.

Please keep your experiences on working from home coming along with ideas on how to keep the energy levels up.

Let us have your thoughts on working from home and your ideas on how to keep the energy levels up - we'd love to hear from you.  Drop us a line at connect@dobusinessnetwork.com


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